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We will never change the world by going to church.
We will only change the world by being the church.

"The highest form of worship is the worship

of unselfish Christian service."

We believe that we are to serve

through the Body of Christ

(Ephesians 4: 4-6)

"Following Christ, with the Bible as our guide,

love in all that we do"

Get To Know Us

Rockland Community Church was formed and chartered in the Fall of 1948, bringing together two congregations. We are a diverse and inter-denominational congregation, full of godly men, women, and youth. Join us and let any one of our loving members help you in your walk with Jesus.

Girl Holding BIble
Children's Church & Nursery

Because Every Child Matters

Sunday's During
Worship Service
..children are the church of today and of tomorrow, take them by the hand and guide them, teach them, nuture them..

Sunday Services

Sojourner Bible Study 9:30 am

 Prayer Group  10:30 am

Worship Service  11:00 am

Prayer Garden Fellowship

 & Bible Study (GWG)

1st & 3rd Thursday @ 6pm

Fellowship Hall

Like Flowers, our spiritual growth needs water, soil,

and care
, to help us grow into the likeness of


Image by Priscilla Du Preez
Image by Jackson David
Image by Aaron Burden
Women's Fellowship Ministry

Women Empowering Women
In Their Journey to Becoming
More Like Christ

Every 1st Saturday
of the
month @ 9:30 am

Fellowship Hall

Breakfast and
Bible Study

Our Ministries
Backpack Pantries
Salvation Army
St. Luke Community Clinic
House of Hope
Rockland Community
Prayer Garden

"When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed." Maya Angelou

Men's Ministry

Making disciples of all

Every 2nd Sat
urday of
every month @ 9:30 am

Fellowship Hall

Laptop and Heaphones
Rockland Community Church (RCC)
Join Sunday Worship
Live @ 11am
Pink Blossom

Rockland Community Prayer Garden
"A garden for all the people"

Garden Path

Order Your Engraved Brick!

Download the pdf document below to order your engraved brick today!

Choose Where You Would Like Your Donation To Go

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.” 

[Proverbs 19:17]


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